Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just add This to the Pile of New Blogs Started Already This Year.

I'm 12 days late, but I never get sick of hearing "Happy New Year" (unless, of course, it's June).

So...Happy New Year! We survived Y2K and the ten years that followed! Plus, we have hybrid cars and Barack Obama as president to boot! Yay us!

I've been hesitant to start a blog, because while I think that they can serve a great purpose for obtaining useful information, and can also provide us with not-so-important, but just as entertaining information (I'm looking at you, celebrity blogs), but unless they are trade related, or serve some sort of helpful purpose, they always seemed to me like a grown-up version of a live journal (Let's all just pretend we didn't have one of those for way too long).

I also worried that no one would want to read yet another blog about a twenty-something unemployed Bachelor of Arts living ine New York. (I haven't exactly done the research, but I know that we're out there, and that there's a lot of us).

I think that the real reason why I wanted to start a blog is because I used to love writing. Like really love writing. I was kind of good at it too. I even have a couple of awards under my belt ::toots horn:: and wrote a novel in the 9th grade (it's unpublished. Maybe someday, I'll come back to it and remove any and all references to boy bands). I'm hoping that my prediliction for writing will return if I force myself to commit to this little endeavor of mine. And, with any luck, people will read this, and the comments (both positive and negative) will keep me motivated to keep improving.

So here it goes. I'm still trying to find my voice, and the focus of this blog. The last thing I want is some sort of recessionista blog - There are enough of those, and I haven't really found any that are particularly helpful. Some days I'll recount my adventures in the world of temporary employment. Perhaps sometimes I'll suggest good books for a subway commute. Maybe I'll share fun things to do - one of the perks of living in a city like New York is that there really ARE a million different things to do on any given day.

Only time and my (not always reliable) ability to beat back procrastination will tell how successful this will be.

Here goes nothing!

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